Media Showcase

In 2019 Hector started broadcasting a live radio chat show on Pure West Radio (PWR). The show, Healthy Minds, Better Lives, was devised, written and presented by Hector with the support of PWR presenter Bram Beechcroft. In the show Hector discussed a variety of mental health and wellbeing topics, answered listeners questions as well as guests live in the studio talking about their experiences and work in mental health and wellbeing.

"Positive Wellbeing for the New Year .. and Beyond

In this show the focus was on various suggestions and strategies to help build and maintain emotional wellbeing.

Positive Wellbeing for the New Year .. and Beyond continued

Further suggestions and ideas summarised towards the shows end  .

Positive wellbeing for the New Year .. and Beyond, cont.

Further ideas and suggestions to help improve wellbeing with particular focus on the importance of gratitude.

Talking About Suicide

In this episode we had a guest in the studio who talked very openly about her experiences of feeling suicidal and attempted suicide.

Talking about Helping Others with Mental Health Difficulties

In this show we talked about various problems and difficulties including depression and anxiety and what might help.

Talking About Anxiety

In this show we talked about Anxiety and possible ways to better manage this.

Positive Wellbeing for the New Year .. and Beyond

In this part of the show we looked at positive future planning

Helpful Ideas and Strategies for Positive Wellbeing

Hector and Bram discuss further ideas for maintaining positive mental wellbeing.

Talking About Suicide

Our friend and regular listener, Tracy, came into the studio to talk about her experiences of feeling suicidal.

Talking About, Wellbeing at Christmas

This show was recorded in December 2019 and we talked about managing any potential stress of the the festive season.

Talking About Stress

In this section of the show we talked about, what is stress? and ways of better managing stress.

Supporting Others

Tonight we talked about caring for and living with people with mental health difficulties and ways to try to offer supportive.

Stress Management

Further ideas on managing stress with ideas from listeners as well as Hector and Bram.

Stress Management and Positive Wellbeing 

A summer show with conversations about Stress.